Your First Visit

Welcome to DBD Renton

We believe compassionate care and comprehensive dentistry can indeed go hand in hand. You will see, hear, and feel the difference during your visit to our state-of-the-art clinic. We go above and beyond to understand your needs and ensure you feel at ease with your treatments. We know that visiting the dentist can be nerve-wracking, and we do everything possible to ensure you feel heard and at ease.

What You Need to Know Before Your Appointment

Everyone has the right to excellent dental care. To make your visit as simple as possible, our friendly and competent administrative team will work with you to help you understand your insurance coverage. In addition, we can work with you to ensure you and your family gets the most out of your dental plan.

DBD Renton accepts all major credit cards, cash, or checks for your dental procedures. We are committed to providing you with quality care at affordable prices, so our team can provide you with a quote during your consultation to help with financial planning.

New Patient Intake

Smiling brightly just got easier! Welcome to DBD Renton. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family to our clinic. To make the most of your first appointment, please take some time to fill out these health history forms so we can prepare before meeting you in the chair.

We are so glad you are here.